Phase 2 Strength & Conditioning Course

Online Course
$495 USD

Includes all course content in digital format

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Item: epi-PHASE2


EPI's Phase 2 Strength & Conditioning Certification is the final Phase of the National Certificate in Strength & Conditioning (NCSC) qualification. The NCSC Course is based on the best evidence based practice and over 15 years experience working with athletes from all levels. Established in 2012, the NCSC Course has been educating coaches, trainers and healthcare practitoners from around the world and has become the proven course for those looking to become a certified Strength & Conditioning coach.

The NCSC Course focuses on our four pillars: Movement, Strength, Fitness and Recovery. With our 8-step-approach training system, use of technical and coaching models for movement skill development, course participants can seemlessly apply our content into their coaching environment.

The Phase 2 Strength & Conditioning Certification contains more than more than 8 hours of video content with 12 modules and 7 detailed presentations. Each presentation emphasizes a theoretical framework, a program design framework, and best practices around coaching. There is also additional reading material contained in your electronic manuals to support your lecture content. Each practical is filmed from a coach’s perspective and emphasizes key coaching points, demonstration skills, cueing, progressions and regressions.

The Phase 2 Strength & Conditioning Certification has been designed to optimize your learning experience and allow for clarity across all key topics in Strength & Conditioning. You will receive an inside look at Olympic lifting, strength & power, max velocity speed, evasion agility, plyometrics and energy systems development (ESD). Particular emphasis is placed on the advanced program design, recovery methods and periodisation strategies.

Upon completion of all course modules, your Phase 2 Strength & Conditioning Certification will be made available for printing.

Available CEUs: NASM 1.9 & ACE 2.0

Available Course Credits

NASM 1.90

Learning Objectives

1. Learn how to develop strength & power using various training methods

2. Understand how to integrate recovery methods into the training program

3. Identify EPI technical models for acceleration speed, COD and Olympic weightlifting

4. Identify EPI coaching models we use for developing acceleration speed, COD and Olympic weightlifting

5. Understand how to write advanced strength and power programs for an elite level athlete

6. Learn about the conjugate periodization model and how EPI apply this to planning for athletic development

Course Procedure

  1. Enroll in the course
  2. Read and sign course waiver
  3. View the course modules
  4. Download course handouts
  5. Download Phase 2 manual
  6. Print your Phase 2 Strength & Conditioning Certificate

Course Content

Course Waiver and Materials Disclaimer
Phase 2: Course Introduction
Phase 2: Olympic Weightlifting
Phase 2: Strength & Power
Phase 2: Recovery Methods
Phase 2: Max Velocity Speed
Phase 2: Evasion Skills
Phase 2: Conjugate & Tactical Periodization
Phase 2: Plyometric Training
Phase 2: Energy System Development (ESD)
Phase 2: Athlete Case Study
Phase 2: Course Manual
Phase 2 Strength & Conditioning Certification

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